Sunday, March 3, 2013


Well, I am well aware that I haven't posted anything in months and I'm very sorry about that!
My one and only reader, would you be please be kind enough to forgive me? Thank you! =)

So much has happened since my last post.

Persons I never thought would disappoint me, did. Big time... and continue doing so.

But I have also been lucky enough to make new friends, start a new job that I actually love and believe it or not, I have met a very nice guy that I truly believe is a good person with a kind soul... very refreshing!

You all know the stigma behind being a single mom and how hard it is to date and all of that.
But I am very happy.
Yes, I have dated and all but this time it DOES feel different.
I can't think of words to describe how happy I am. It's like even though there is still drama going on in my life, its not getting to me anymore. I'm still happy and smiling regardless of what goes wrong. Isn't it crazy?
How can someone make your days and nights so much better? How that person can make you go from being in a bad mood to in a very good mood with just a smile?
I think that's as close as I can come for now to describe how happy I have been lately.

I doubt he will ever read this, but just in case he ever does... YOU MAKE ME SO HAPPY!!!
And if you ever make me sad and hurt me, my brother and best friends will hunt you down and.... ha!

Okay, back to being serious...

My brother is getting married next month. I still haven't bought my dress.
I must lose more weight before I buy it so I don't get confused with a colorful whale in Cancun.

It makes me so happy to see how happy he is now with his future wife. There is like this annoying glow about them that makes me want to puke rainbows and butterflies.

Hope to have that same glow someday and make everyone around me sick and have them puke flowers and sunshine.

I'm just rambling.

Have a good one people!!


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Around this time a year ago...

Hello world! How have you been?
I have been good for the most part. You know,my life tends to be hectic. Between my kids, work, school and my house... yup.
My best friend Karen moved in with me. That makes my little family very happy.

Let me tell you  why this post is titled "Around this time a year ago..."

Well, a year ago I was getting ready to move in to a house with my ex-husband. I remember being so happy to have my family back together. Lots of mixed emotions. Mostly, I was worried about things not working out, which we already know ended up being a disaster.
It makes me sad to remember how happy my daughter was to see mommy and daddy back together. It makes me even sadder to know that she is still sad and confused with this whole mess.

I try my best to give my kids a happy childhood and replace all the pain and sadness with new and happy memories of the 3 of us being together. Always and forever.

This post doesn't really make sense now that I re read it a couple times. But I don't care. It all makes sense in my head.

Happy thoughts. HAPPY THOUGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!

So... today is Thanksgiving.

Have a good one. That goes to you. My one and only reader.


Sunday, November 4, 2012


Well, so here I am. After being a fan of so many blogs I finally decided to start my own. I must thank Single Dad Laughing for giving me the courage to do it!!

I  honestly doubt anyone will read this, but you know what? I don't care. I am doing this for me as a form of therapy.

So.. here goes! A little background about me.

Actually, before I do that I want to make one thing clear. English is NOT my first language, so most likely you will find horrendous spelling mistakes and grammatically incorrect sentences. Thank God I am taking English this semester. LOL. Big shout out to Mr. Webb =)

Okay, got it? Wonderful!

My name is Alejandra. Ally for short. I am a 26 year old divorced single mom of two. I work in the medical field and currently go to school full time as well. I am still not sure what I am going to school for. Special Education? Nutrition? Physical therapy? Ah... I still have time to make up my mind. For now I'm taking the basics.

I am from Monterrey, Mexico. Lived there with my parents and brother until I got married to who I thought was the love of my life (don't we all think that... ha!) moved to California and left my whole family, friends and life behind to be with Mike, who was enlisted in the Marine Corps. Shortly after getting married, we welcomed our daughter Claudia on Christmas day 2005 (yay! Christmas baby!). Then in 2007 moved to New York and lived with his parents. (yup... I know) Even though right now we are at no speaking terms, I'm still thankful for everything they did for us back then. Since my then loving hubby had a hard time making up his mind about what he wanted to do for a living, he started applying for jobs with the government and that is kind of how we ended in lovely and hot as hell Laredo, TX sometime in 2008.
Then sometime early 2010, while I was pregnant with our son, he decided he wanted to party and not be a father anymore. So we split, and then officially divorced early 2011.

I must say it has been really hard being a single mom of two. But somehow I found the strength to pull through and keep myself together and make a life of my own with my 3 week old baby boy Kainen and his 4 year old sister.  I'll go into detail some other time. Lets just leave it at my ex-husband not being the nicest person and didn't care what happened to us.

Anyways, this post is starting to become more of a rant than an introduction.

I'm going back to folding laundry while my kids watch Sponge Bob.
